
I am working on my first book, and although it has been hard to find the time, I am slowly making time in the early hours of the morning. God has been good to me, with the inspirational downloads that He is releasing every day. This is a book for leaders and those that work and serve them. Leaders are visionaries that are constantly changing their directions in mid stream. The status quo say that you never change direction in the middle of a stream, just go with the flow. But many leaders think outside the box, outside the realm of reasoning. The really scary ones hear God and use an invisible force field called Faith that defies the gravity and time for natural occurrences. It usually confuses those that are close to them, and those that have to anticipate their next move. I am quite aware of this frustration and exhilaration all at the same time because of the man of God I live with. However, the lessons that I have learned from life on the edge, I will share with you in the book what God has dropped in my spirit to fulfill. Keep me in prayer; it is going to be a blessing.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Kings Speech

I went to see the Kings Speech and I was challenged and encouraged.

Challenged because of one of my earlier blogs on finding your voice. Here is King to be, ridiculed and teased by his father and brother, he was abused by his nanny and lacked self confidence. to make matters worse he stuttered. Or for a better word he had a speech impediment. Most people could shy away from public speaking, but when one of your duties is to give public speeches in all kinds of environment it can be a torture you can't endure.

Encouraged. He gave up the quest to be able to speak without being an embarrassment. However, a loving wife kept hope alive. She found a 'doctor', that became a friend. He was not qualified on paper and no high ranking official could speak on his behalf. However, the voices that now have validity were men who needed someone to hear them and give affirmation to their voice. This was one of the lines from the movie, with my interpretation.

Encouraged- that is my quest in life, to help people find their voice and live in the moment of discovery.

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